Kpt Vector Effects For Illustrator Download

Illustrator plugin update: vol 7 'vector wand' v.7.01 Illustrator plugin update: vol 7 'vector wand' 7.01 is designed to be a smart program which offers you plugin toolbox for Illustrator 10. Apply scaling, tints, swatches, styles, rotation, translation, blends, transparency, shrink effects, gradient.

Kpt Vector Effects For Illustrator Download Windows 7

Here are two ways to quickly prepare your Illustrator files and import them into After Effects for animation. Let’s take a look.

Shape layers in After Effects are powerful tools for making compositions, but designers unfamiliar with the software may find them difficult to use. For those more familiar with Illustrator, you’re in luck! Importing Illustrator files into After Effects has become easier with each new release. However, there’s still some prep work that must be done to your Illustrator file before it can be imported into After Effects. Here’s what you need to do.

Why Illustrator to After Effects?

If you’re looking to animate an image or vector, Illustrator will allow you to break that image up into individual parts so that once you open up After Effects, you’re able to move them around, add expressions, or do whatever you want to those individual objects. So, for this particular example, you can have the lens changing in size or rotating while the rest of the camera sits still.

If you’re unfamiliar with Adobe Illustrator, we made an in-depth beginner’s guide to getting started, and what to look for when working in Illustrator.

  • Illustrator plugin update: vol 7 'vector wand' v.7.01 Illustrator plugin update: vol 7 'vector wand' 7.01 is designed to be a smart program which offers you plugin toolbox for Illustrator 10. Apply scaling, tints, swatches, styles, rotation, translation, blends, transparency, shrink effects, gradient.
  • Dec 05, 2019 KPT Vector Effects Is Discontinued KPT Vector Effects was originally a plug-in set of filters for Adobe Illustrator 7 and 8 for working with 3D vector graphics. Its effects included neon glows, distortions, warps, and shadows. Corel purchased KPT Vector Effects from MetaCreations in 1999 and has since discontinued it.

The Importance of Importing Files this Way

As you’ll see in the steps below, there’s a particular way to do this, so the obvious question is: Why? When you’re working with Illustrator files, there are often several layers for one image. When you bring your image into After Effects as is, all these layers are individual “groups” and often the layout is overwhelming and hard to keep organized. So, this process just keeps everything a little more cohesive as you start working in After Effects. For a step-by-step look at how to do this, we recently published a tutorial on how to do this exact thing.

Step 1

For today’s example, I’m going to start off with this Shutterstock image. You can chose any of the cameras from this image, but I’m using the one pictured below, as there are several individual pieces to the image I can work with in After Effects.

Step 2

Create a new Illustrator document that’s 1920px by 1080px. This will be the size of our composition in After Effects. Copy and paste the camera into the new document and resize to your liking.

Step 3

If we went ahead and brought this into After Effects right now, the camera would act like a single object, leaving you unable to animate individual objects within the image. The resulting animation would be extremely boring. Therefore, our main goal before bringing it into After Effects is to separate each shape into its own layer. This can be done two different ways.

Option 1:

Kpt vector effects for illustrator download free

Open up the Layers panel. If it’s not already on your sidebar, go to Window > Layers.

To create a new layer, click the icon that looks like a folded piece of paper at the bottom of the Layers panel. Create a lot of layers so you don’t have to keep going back to that button.

Next, ungroup everything and select a single shape. In the Layers panel, notice that a little square has appeared on the far-right side of the layer.

To bring the selected shape into a new layer, click on that square and drag it into one of the new layers. Once it’s been moved, rename it so you’ll be able to tell which shape is in that layer.

Do this for each shape. After a shape is moved to its own layer, it’s helpful to hide it. This way, you’ll be able to see which ones still need to be moved to their own layers.

Option 2:

Open up the Layers panel. Select the camera layer. Next, click the icon at the top-right of the panel and select the Release to Layers (Sequence) option.

This will put each individual shape into its own layer. After, select all the layers and drag them outside of the layer they’re all in. That empty layer can then be deleted.

Go through all the layers and rename them so you know which shape the layer contains. It may take a while, but you’ll have a much better understanding of what things are once you’re working in After Effects.

That’s pretty much it. Simple, right? We’re now ready to bring the Illustrator file into After Effects.

Step 4

Open After Effects and go to File > Import > File. Select your Illustrator file and, at the bottom where it says Import As, make sure to select Composition – Retain Layer Sizes.

Open up the newly created composition, and you’re ready to animate!

For another great Illustrator tutorial, check out this article:

  • Adobe Illustrator Map Art Tutorial.

Looking for more ways to up your video editing game? Check these out:

Cover image via karnoff.

Adobe Illustrator is a great software used by graphic designers all around the world. Adobe Illustrator helps you draw beautiful vectors and create high-quality designs. Sometimes you might want to save some time in your design process, that’s when Adobe Illustrator actions come in handy!

Ever since it was launched, Adobe Illustrator was one of the most helpful tools for web and graphic designers when it came to creating premium vector graphics, logos, prints and other vectorized elements.

With the help of Illustrator, you can create designs that can be scaled infinitely without any loss of quality. This is amazing for logo designing, creating complex vector artwork or creating illustrated typography designs.

Learning and practicing Illustrator to enhance your skills, may be easier with these 20 useful Adobe Illustrator actions, both free and premium! These Adobe Illustrator actions will help you create borders, edit photos, create patterns, ornaments and more.

Feel free to download them and use them in your own projects!

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Border Maker Template

This Adobe Illustrator action will make good-looking borders for your project. This action can come in really handy and help you achieve fast and eye-catching results.

That’s Right Action

This Illustrator action will change both background and contrast of your chosen photo. Apply with ease and edit your photos in just minutes.

Kpt Vector Effects For Illustrator Download Mac

Make Me Pattern Action Set for Illustrator

This is a cool Adobe Illustrator action which will create patterns in no time. This could save you a great deal of time and bring you fast and professional results.

This photo action for Illustrator will add a soft, cooling filter to your photos. It helps you edit photos fast and easily using Illustrator. It is perfect for both graphic designers and photographers.

5 Templates For Round Ornament Creation

These are 5 templates for round ornament creation which might come in really handy and can be used to make some really creative projects. Each template is named accordingly to an angle or segment and you can use these Illustrator ornament actions to add some decorations to your designs.

Action Stay

Enhance your photos with this AI action. You can use it easily and download it for free! Use it on your own photos to change their colour, contrast and brightness. No need to switch to Photoshop with this simple Illustrator actions you can edit images in Illustrator without using another photo editing software.

Action for Illustrator: Rotate, Divide, Weld, Align

Cutting shapes have become more and easier with this Illustrator action. Check it out and see in how many creative ways you can use it. Combine shapes, add centers and plenty other features in no-time.

Amazing Action

This is a simple retouching action for Adobe Illustrator. It will change how your photos will look. You can download this for free and use it in your own projects. Again, this action is perfect for those who just want to use Illustrator and don’t need Photoshop as much.

Illustration Action Pack

Illustration Action Pac include 13 actions .ATN set. These action can save you a great deal of time when designing.


This is a simple Adobe Illustrator action for retouching photos. You can whiten background and add brightness to your photos with just one click. It is free to download too!

Metal Type Print Block Generator

If you searching for a creative way to use typography in your design then you might want to have a look at this Illustrator action and see if this is what you had in mind. This example can work wonders for magazines, websites, logos and much more!

Fantastical Moments

Kpt vector effects for illustrator download windows 7

This is another Illustrator action for editing and retouching images. You can use this to modify the colours from a photo and add a soft bright look.

Kaleidoscope – Illustrator Action

Kpt Vector Effects For Illustrator Download Free

Making seamless patterns and backgrounds can give you a hard time but this illustration action might come in really handy. You can easily make patters with just a shape or even a line. Draw and paste your desired shape and start the action!


Kpt Vector Effects For Illustrator Download Cs6


This is a cool Adobe Illustrator action you can use on cartoonish images. Great for photo editing and retouching too! Download for free and use it as you please.

Golden Ratio Illustrator Action

The Golden Ratio is the mathematical ratio found in nature. The action can come in really handy and be used in many ways. You can use it to create pleasing and natural looking compositions.

Lightning Action

This is a great Adobe Illustrator action for making photos brighter and adding a soft light filter over them. It is free to download and use in your own projects. Easy to apply!

Moiré Dot Pattern Actions

Included in this download are 8 Moiré Dot Pattern Actions for Illustrator which are very easy to use. All you have to do is load up the action. This action can come in really handy and can definitely be used in many creative projects. Download this illustrator action and see if this is what you were looking for.

Segond Action

This action combines a mirror effect with a colour and contrast filter. You can easily use this to modify your photos in Illustrator. Free to download and use.

2D Trash Stamper – Vector Actions Pack

This is a cool 2D Trash Stamper that contains 16 vector actions for Adobe Illustrator CS4 and which can turn your logo or vector object in cool and trashy vector stamps. You can use it to create vintage labels and other retro effects. Check it out!

Vector Flag Maker – Illustrator Actions Pack

This action pack contains 10 vector actions for Adobe Illustrator. They can turn your vector object in a cool and distorted flag and may come useful at some point.


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