Secureblackbox Vcl

SecureBlackbox VCL is the comprehensive component collection for network and document security.
SecureBlackbox is split to several packages:
SFTPBlackbox - securely transfer files and perform remote file system operations using SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) or create your own SFTP server.
SSHBlackbox - access remote SSH servers using SSH protocols or build your own SSH server.
FTPSBlackbox - transfer files securely using FTP (RFC 959) and FTP-over-SSL (also known as FTPS, FTP/SSL, as defined in RFC 2228) protocols or create your own FTP/FTPS server.
HTTPBlackbox - access web sites via HTTP and HTTPS protocols with Gzip compression or create your own HTTP / HTTPS server or proxy.
OpenPGPBlackbox - encrypt and sign files using OpenPGP algorithms and standards, generate and manage OpenPGP keys and keyrings.
XMLBlackbox - encrypt, sign and timestamp XML files or generic data using XML encryption and signing standards (XMLEnc, XMLDSig and XAdES).
PDFBlackbox - compress, encrypt, sign and timestamp PDF files using PDF and PAdES standards.
SSLBlackbox - client and server support for SSL and TLS 1.0-1.2 protocols as well as for Datagram TLS (DTLS).
MIMEBlackbox - compose and parse MIME messages with optional S/MIME or PGP/MIME.
MailBlackbox - send and receive e-mail using SMTP, POP3 and IMAP protocols.
PKIBlackbox - full scope of PKI and X.509 certificate management functions.
EDIBlackbox - exchange business information via AS2 and AS3 protocols.
ZIPBlackbox - compress and decompress data with strong encryption.
CloudBlackbox - securely store data in cloud storages.
OfficeBlackbox - encrypt or digitally sign Office documents.
WebDAVBlackbox - access and manage resources using WebDAV.
SAMLBlackbox - create SAML authentication clients and servers.
ASiCBlackbox - sign data using European standard for Associated Signature Containers (ASiC).

SecureBlackbox VCL is the comprehensive component collection for network and document security. SecureBlackbox is split to several packages: SFTPBlackbox - securely transfer files and perform remote file system operations using SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) or create your own SFTP server. SecureBlackbox (VCL) - SecureBlackbox is a comprehensive component collection that adds S/MIME, SSL/TLS, FTPS, HTTPS, SSH, PKI, SFTP, PGP, PDF support to your Windows or Linux application. This is VCL edition (for Delphi, CBuilder, Kylix). Nsoftware SecureBlackbox v20.0.7513 for.NET/Delphi/C Builder EditionSoftware components for Data Protection, Secure Storage, and Secure Transfer. Trusted in high security, mission critical applications for decades. SecureBlackbox includes a wide variety of powerful data protection, secure. SecureBlackbox (VCL) - SecureBlackbox is a comprehensive component collection that adds S/MIME, SSL/TLS, FTPS, HTTPS, SSH, PKI, SFTP, PGP, PDF support to your Windows or Linux application. This is VCL edition (for Delphi, CBuilder, Kylix).

nsoftware SecureBlackbox v20.0.7513 for .NET/Delphi/C++ Builder Edition

nsoftware SecureBlackbox v20.0.7513 for .NET/Delphi/C++ Builder Edition

Software components for Data Protection, Secure Storage, and Secure Transfer. Trusted in high security, mission critical applications for decades. SecureBlackbox includes a wide variety of powerful data protection, secure storage, and secure transfer components. Designed for use in the most demanding conditions, the components provide the best possible performance while offering granular control over all security options. Some of the world's most recognized companies have integrated SecureBlackbox into their mission critical applications for the past 25+ years.
All Major Document Protection Standards
CAdES, XAdES, Signing and Encryption support for PDF and Office documents. XML and OpenPGP Signing and Encryption.
Advanced Certificate Support
Certificate Validation, Creation, and Storage. CRL Management and OCSP support.

Secureblackbox Library

Secure File Transfer
Support for all common file transfer protocols including FTP, SFTP, HTTP, and WebDAV. Full TLS 1.3 support, optimized TLS 1.2 implementation, EdDSA/ECC support and more.
Authorization & Authentication

Secureblackbox Vcl Player

SAML IdP (identity provider) and SP (service provider), OTP (one-time password), Client and Server components, KMIP, and more.
Uniform & Extensible Design

Secureblackbox Vcl Video

Very easy to use, with a uniform, intuitive, and extensible design. Common component interfaces across platforms and technologies.
Product Features
Full TLS 1.3 support across the board.
Support for the latest revisions of XAdES, CAdES, PAdES, and ASiC standards.
SAML identity and service provider servers.
Advanced certificate management tools, including PKCS11 and KMIP.
Vcl A complete unified framework with a common, easy-to-learn object model and simplified interfaces that help you get more done.

Secureblackbox Vcl Full Source

Simple-to-use OCSP and TSP servers.
Private key sharing and remote access via Distributed Cryptography technology.
Client and server-side support for major Internet protocols including FTP, HTTP, SFTP, WebDAV, REST, SMTP, and POP3.
Components are thread-safe on critical members.
Fast, robust, reliable - the components consume minimal resources.
Native development components for all supported platforms and component technologies.
Rigorously tested, rock solid components that have undergone hundreds of thousands of hours of testing both internally by our QA team and externally through customer installations.
Detailed reference documentation, sample applications, fully-indexed help files, and an extensive online knowledge base.
Backed by multi-tier professional support, including free email support and enterprise-level paid support.
Delphi VCL Components
Native Delphi VCL components with no external dependencies. It features the same trustworthy components that come with other editions, available as native Delphi VCLs for real Delphi performance.
Native Delphi VCL components.
Extensive Delphi demo applications.
Comprehensive integrated product documentation.
Support for Lazarus IDE and Free Pascal.
Support for Embarcadero Delphi 6, 7, Delphi 2005, Delphi 2006, Delphi 2007, Delphi 2009, and RAD Studio (2010, XE -> RAD Studio 10.4).
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.NET Framework - WinForms & ASP.NET Components
Fully-managed .NET components based on a 100% C# codebase, with no dependencies on outside native code. The edition of choice for fully-managed .NET applications.
Fully-managed .NET components written in C#.
.NET Standard 2.0 and 1.6 support.
Support for .NET Core 3.1, 3.0, and earlier.
Works with Xamarin via .NET Standard.
Support for XCOPY deployment in ASP.NET.
Support for Windows IoT.
Comprehensive integrated product documentation.
Seamless integration with Visual Studio.
Support for .NET 2.0 - 4.7.
Extensive demo applications for WinForms and WebForms (ASP.NET) written in VB.NET and C#.

Embarcadero C++ Builder VCL's
Native Embarcadero C++ Builder components, written in C++ and compiled with the C++ Builder compiler for blazing performance. The natural choice for C++ Builder programming.
C++ Builder
Native C++ Builder components.
Extensive C++ Builder demo applications.
Comprehensive integrated product documentation.
x86 and x64 platform support.
Support for Embarcadero C++ Builder 2009, C++ Builder 2010, and RAD Studio (2010, XE -> RAD Studio 10.4).

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