Skyrim Enb Dof Not Working

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Something is wrong with my ENBs depth of field. A couple of years ago this wasnt a problem, but I recently got back into playing skyrim and reinstalled a bunch of mods. Anyways, the depth of field is out of whack. Whenever I look up to someone up close, they get blurry. Shouldnt the opposite happ. On an Rx 5700, the enb mods for skyrim have effects that do not work. This is consistent for multiple presets. Effects such as Depth of field, bloom, and ambient occlusion are. Can't get depth of field (bokeh) to work (RealVision ENB 272a) Hi, need help, been trying to enable the depth of field thing on skyrim but even when I follow every single step from the guide at nexusmods I can't get it to work (but the realistic lighting thing works), I've tried several ways in the settings for the enb, is there something I'm. Every preset I download the depth of field doesn't work. I've enabled it in enbseries.ini and I've enable bFloatPointRenderTarget=1. I don't know what the issue is. Depth of field not working in RealVision ENB? When installing the enb it asked if I wanted DoF, I said yes but no dof to be found. I have checked the enb inis and dof is set to true.

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Post subject:Re: Skyrim depth of field not working

Joined: 22 Aug 2012, 10:32
Posts: 26
I know this is an old thread, but I am having the same problem and cant figure it out. Can you point me to the .ini files that you ended up having to edit to get this to work? Thanks!

If you are using Mod Organiser you'll have to to click on one of the icons in the options panel on the upper left.. One of them will let you manually edit the .ini files, another one will provide a GUI to edit the .ini files, either in noob or pro mode.

Post subject:Re: Skyrim depth of field not working
*blah-blah-blah maniac*

Joined: 27 Dec 2011, 08:53
Posts: 15765
Location: Russia
And there one of parameter for shadow which must be untouched. Don't remember, shadow mask, deffered shadow mask or something like that.

i5-4690k, 16Gb RAM, GTX 1060 6Gb, X-Fi Titanium, Win7 x128
I am INFP, not the brutal, godamnit.

Post subject:Re: Skyrim depth of field not working

Joined: 27 Dec 2013, 00:00
Posts: 2
I've got also the same problem, I can't for the life of me, get the ENB DOF (Bokeh) working on my new computer. It used to work on my old one.
Other effects seems to work fine but not the DOF.
Things I've tried:
- Different Nvidia drivers
- Reinstall of Skyrim
- All mods disabled
- MSAA forced off
- bFloatingPointTarget=1
- Different ENB presets & ENB versions
- ForceFakeVideoCard=true (because it worked for some1 else in this thread)
- Regenerated Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini
- Uninstalled some extra applications such as overclocking utilities for my mobo in windows (since it runs in the background)
- Disabled Antivirus to ensure that it couldn't somehow cause the enb stop working like it should be
Nothing seems to help. It's driving me nuts because noone else seems to have this issue.
Computer specs:
Intel i5 4670K @ 4.4GHz
Asrock Extreme6 Z87 motherboard
Nvidia GTX 760 2GB
16GB DDR3-1866
Samsung Pro 840 128GB SSD
120 Hz Monitor
Windows 7 64bit Professional

Post subject:Re: Skyrim depth of field not working

Joined: 27 Dec 2013, 00:00
Posts: 2
FIXED: Boris, it's bFloatPointRenderTarget You may want to check your previous posts in the thread to avoid others running in circles like I did over a human error.

Post subject:Re: Skyrim depth of field not working
*blah-blah-blah maniac*

Joined: 27 Dec 2011, 08:53
Posts: 15765
Location: Russia
Okay, fixed post.

i5-4690k, 16Gb RAM, GTX 1060 6Gb, X-Fi Titanium, Win7 x128
I am INFP, not the brutal, godamnit.

Post subject:Re: Skyrim depth of field not working

Joined: 10 Mar 2015, 23:15
Posts: 1
bFloatPoint is already set in my prefs but still not working, I took a screenshot of it turned on and off, looked the same, I have no idea what to do, and could someone please explain the ini method to me? I'm not sure I this works on NMM. The DOF works on a different computer of mine the one with the (sadly) below decent hardware but not the PC I use for gaming.

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< Guide:ENBseries INI



File configuration (INI) for this effect is very simple. It contains three parameters, from which actually only one has noticable influance on how the depth of filed effect works. And that is FadeTime:

Skyrim Enb Dof Not Working Together

The parameter controls the time (seconds) in which camera will focus to a certain distance (acquired from a focal point; usually a distance sampled for the center of the screen, but it depends on the actual implementation of the effect).

Quality parameter controls the quality of the effect, should the enbeffectprepass.fx file be setup for this - most are not so this will never do anything. Otherwise, the lower the value set to the parameter, the bigger the effect quality, supposedly.

Last of the INI parameters in this section is IgnoreWeatherSystem. This is present in most of the other sections as well. The parameter works only when multiple weathers are enabled.

DoF in-code parameters

Download Enb Skyrim

Note, that not only the depth of field effect can be applied in the enbeffectprepass.fx file. Different ENB code additions introduced a number of other, simple effects, applied along with DoF.

Most of the DoF settings can be changed in the enbeffectprepass.fx FX file itself. With current ENB version these parameters can be changed in-game, via ENB GUI as well. All variables defined in a proper manner are exported to enbeffectprepass.fx.ini file for easier configurability, i.e. one donnot need to change their value within the code itself, but do as like with any other parameters from main INI configuration file. An example of a variable from this effect file is showed below:

As we can see, most improtant part of the above definition is the part describing the user interface (UI) components for the variable. According to the information ENB creates an entry in relevent INI file and at in-game GUI. First essential parameter of the UI setup is UIName of the variable - this string defines an identifier for the variable in both INI file and GUI. Via the name we can configure the variable as described above.

Other parameters can be omitted, depending on the type of the variable. In case of a boolean (the one that can only have values false or true), the UIName parameter is the only one used. In case of numeric types on the other hand, like int (integer number) and float (floating-point, real number), we have UIMin and UIMax. As their names state they define minimum and maximum values that the variable can have.

Skyrim Enb Dof

Next important parameter here is UIWidget. It configures the way how the variable can be changed. There are two essential values the parameter can have - Spinner and Color. First of them allows changing the value using arrows (visible at in-game GUI) and refers to numeric types (mostly float). The value ranges between number given with UIMin and UIMax parameters. The latter option is used in regard to 3-element floating-point vectors float3, and allows to define them as RGB or HSV color (the actual value stored in INI file is always RGB).

The above description of the in-code parameters refer to all effect files and their variables. INI files containing values of the varibles are created in the enbseries subdirectory (the same place where weather configuration files are located). The default values of the variables are defined at the end of the UI parameters setup.

Enb Not Loading

Matso (talk) 04:58, May 12, 2015 (EDT)

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